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Larry Fletcher


The Dew of Heaven

“I will be the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lily and cast forth his roots as Lebanon.” Hosea 14:5-6

Dew- water droplets condensed from the air, usually at night, onto cool surfaces.

Dew is used in the Bible as a symbol of refreshment (Deut. 32:2, Psalm 133:3); a symbol of the loving power of God which revives and invigorates (Prov. 19:12); a symbol of the sudden onset of an enemy (2 Sam. 17:12); a symbol of brotherly love and harmony (Ps 133:3); a symbol of God’s revelation (Judg. 6:36-40); and a symbol of God’s blessing (Gen. 27:28).

Dew is a mist, or thin small kind of rain, which falls upon the earth morning and evening in a very GENTLE way. It is not manufactured or produced by the hands of man. The dew is at God’s disposal, and under direction and control!

In Palestine, little or no rain is known during the summer. Were it not for the heavy dew all vegetation would perish. The coming down of the dew has been accounted one of God’s special blessings. What the dew is in the natural world, causing the earth to soften, to bring forth; that is the Spirit of God to the soul of man. It softens the heart, implants the principles of grace, sows the seed of eternal life, and puts forth all the evident tokens of a new creation within.

Dew comes only in the night. As the dew falls from heaven in the stillness of the night, so is the way of God’s grace.

The dew descending makes no noise. It comes silently without footsteps, without trumpeting of any kind, the most delicate ear cannot hear. It visits every bud and blade of grass. It does not visit the big trees and forget the little plant. The dew comes so gently that the feeblest can bear it. No blade of grass can be injured by the dew.

God’s presence and influence comes as close to men as the dew to the flower. It is inspiring to know that ours is not a God who lives only in the light of His own majesty, but He dwells with the humble everywhere. He not only rides in the rolling chariot of the stormy skies, or sits in silence above the crested billows of the heaving ocean, but He stoops to earth and kisses the face of the flowers with His presence, and touches the weak and the weary with a tenderness that surpasses that of the dew as it rolls into the heart of the lily, and becomes a hidden fountain of strength and refreshment.

Even when you lie down at night, the Dew of Heaven falls silently, gently refreshing your soul and spirit. The dew is the silent blessing of God.

Larry Fletcher


Fear is Satan's trademark and if you are living in fear, you are not dominated by the Prince of Peace!

Worry and stress also happen to be killers. Stress makes cowards out of agressive men. worry fills the face with wrinkles and apprehension.

Worry paralyzes the mind. Stress robs the body of rest at night, and it sends you to work shaking and shattered.

Worry and stress are killing us. Worry is the mother of heart disease. Worry is the mother of high blood pressure and ulcers.

It's not what you are eating, it's what's eating you that's the problem.

Jesus said, Don't worry. worry has sent millions of people to their graves years before they were

supposed to die.... people who were supposed to have known the PRINCE OF PEACE.

Worry is sin. Worry is faith in fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear. Worry is trust in the unpleasant.

Worry is assurance that disaster is going to overtake you. Worry is belief in defeat and dispair.

Jesus said don't worry. Take no thought for tomorrow. I have taken care of it. I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. Don't worry!

There are too many dark nights, too many troublesome days, too many   wearisome miles…

THERE HAS TO BE A SONG. To make our burdens bearable, to make our hopes believable,

to release the chains of past defeats. Somewhere down deep in an area forgotten of each one’s heart there has to be a song.

There has to be a song like a cool drink of water, like the gently warmth of sunshine, like the tender love of a child.


Have you ever stopped to consider how terrible this world would be if there were no music or singing?

What would it be like if there were no melody or harmony? How would it feel not to be able to express your

feelings of sadness or happiness through the melody of music. Singing and songs are such an important part of our lives.

We sing songs about everything. Love and hate, peace an war, time and eternity. Family, right and wrong,

loyalty and betrayal, hurt and humor. All have been expressed through a song.

Singing is what adds color to life. It brightens and fills every portion of our lives.

Without singing and songs this would be a dreary and colorless world.

I’m so glad I can say in part as the old hymn, There’s within my heart a melody,

Jesus whispers sweet and low, fear not I am with thee!



Psalm 16:11   Thou wilt shew me the PATH of life: in thy PRESENCE is fulness of joy,

at thy right hand there are PLEASURES forevermore.

God’s way for us is often called a PATH in the scriptures. It is called the path of life (Psalm 16:11),

a plain Path (Psalm 27:11) the PATH of His commandments (Psalm 119:35, an old Path (Jeremiah 6:16.

He has told us that, if we acknowledge Him, He will direct our PATHS. (Proverbs 3:6 (Proverbs 3:17).

And it is said of wisdom that “Her ways are ways of PLEASANTNESS and all her PATHS are peace.

   Note with me…There is something different about a PATH. It’s not a modern highway, noisy and crowed;

not even a dirt road but a PATH, inviting your tired spirit to come apart and rest awhile.

That PATH means to escape, to stroll by still waters and green pastures to hear the birds singing from overhanging branches.

Both realism and romance are there. Let us return to our scripture text of which we have already mentioned.

Psalm 16:11…here we have first the PATH. The PATH of life. It is a plain PATH, it is the old PATH tried and true.

The second truth of our text… In thy PRESENCE there is fulness of joy.

We have not only the PATH but we have the PRESENCE. The PATH is before us, the PRESENCE IS WITH US, (I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee,

Lo, I am with you always.) It would not be enough to have a PATH if we had not a companion and a guide, He is both.

Moreover; in His PRESENCE there is fulness of joy. That makes it a PLEASANT PATH.

Never forget…along the PATH with the PRESENCE we have PLEASURES.

These three are wonderfully interwoven and you cannot separate them.

I admonish you to walk this PATH, enjoy His PRESENCE, and know the PLEASURES of His companionship.


Luke 11:9     Importunity defined… something that someone insists on having… the act of making intrusions, being unrelenting, consistent.

Ask, and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Sometimes we receive the first time we ask. Sometimes we find the first time we seek,

Sometimes the door is opened the first time we knock.

That’s what happened in Acts 12 when earnest prayer by the church was made for Peter’s release from prison.

Even while they were yet praying Peter was knocking at the door.

All it took for the woman with the issue of blood was one touch and she was instantly healed.

It would seem God sometimes picks up the phone the first ring.

There are times that God immediately answers the faintest and weakest cry for help. No waiting!

But God doesn’t always answer on the first ring. Sometimes He even puts us on hold.

Sometimes we have to knock and keep on knocking ask and keep on asking… seek and keep on seeking.

This doesn’t mean we have a lack of faith, or that God is a grudging God. Could it be as the scripture says… praying in the Spirit building up your most Holy faith!

Prayer is both a privilege and a responsibility. The greater the privilege the greater the responsibility.

I encourage you today to pray in faith, pray with persistence. Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,

they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.

Keep on asking, keep on knocking and keep on seeking, Until your prayer is answered, the secret to answered prayer

is never give up, never quit praying… PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! MY Word for YOU today is KEEP YOUR KNEES DOWN AND YOUR CHIN UP!


Romans 5:20 ….But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.

Isaiah 59:1 Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.


These two verses of scripture are saying to us that when man and his surrounding circumstances are at it’s worse, then God comes forth at His best.

Mark 5:1 the man with an unclean spirit, lived in the tombs, no man could bind him not even with chains, Neither could any man tame him.

Night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones. This was man at his worst, but when he saw

Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped Him. Jesus said... ”Come out of the man thou unclean spirit, and the Lord gave him leave.

This was God at His best. The man had gone beyond the reach and help of man, but not the help and reach of God. When a man is at his worst, God is at His best.


This woman was at her worst, caught in her sin, but God was at His best. No qualified stone-throwers were found and the rest is history, Jesus at His best said,

such sweet and powerful words, neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more. Romans 5:8 , But God commendeth His love toward us, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Psalm 136:23 Who remembered us in our low estate: for His mercy endureth forever.


They sent for Jesus to heal their brother Lazarus, but there was a delay and Jesus did not immediately come, the situation only got worse, then death came.

This situation was at its worst! But wait a minute, Jesus was about to show up at His best. The rest is history, Lazarus came forth from the dead, bringing to his sisters the greater miracle.                                                                                                                           

 The disciples were in absolute obedience to Jesus, get on board the boat and sail to the other side Jesus said…

(Yet) that three lettered word means “IN SPITE OF” they found themselves in the midst of a raging storm, they were at their worst,

but Jesus was at His best! Peter cried aloud, Lord if it is you, bid me come. Jesus said…COME… Peter climbed out of the boat and

walked on the water, as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus the water was beneath his feet.



Please allow me to share this poem of inspiration with you today:

No one ever sought the Father and found he is not there,

And no burden is too heavy to be lightened by a prayer,

No problem is too intricate and no sorrow that we face,

Is too deep and devastating to be softened by His grace.


No trials and tribulations are beyond what we can bear,

If we share them with our Father as we talk to Him in prayer,

God asks for no credentials, He accepts us with our flaws,

He is kind and understanding and He welcomes us because,


We are His erring children and He loves us everyone,

And He freely and completely forgives all that we have done,

Asking only if we’re ready to follow where He leads,

content that in His wisdom He will answer all our needs.


Acts 17:27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after Him, and find Him, though He be not far from every one of us.

                           GODS’ FAVORITE TIME TO WORK

Mark 5:25-34 …. And had suffered many things of many physicians,

and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse.

Do you need a miracle? Let me say that EVERY MIRACLE BEGINS WITH AN IMPOSSIBILITY!

The most amazing thing about a miracle is that it can’t happen


Without question we all stand in need of a miracle in our lives or the lives of our families.



When you have come to the end of yourself and you have depleted all your resources and

everything you have tried has failed, this becomes the foundation for a miracle, This is Gods’ Favorite Time to Work.

I encourage you to read the scripture text of Mark 5:25-34

Note: There is no record of this woman seeking out Jesus until all else had failed,

when all help and all hope is gone it is a good time for a mirlacle,




                                                         MY CUP RUNNETH OVER

Larry Fletcher                                                                                                                 March 2019

Psalm 23:5 (Amplified Bible) My brimming cup runs over.

Overflow defined means to flow or spread across; to flow over the brim or edge of; to fill beyond capacity; to run over; super abundant.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they might have life and life more abundantly. Abundance defined (to the full of, till it overflows) Abundance means simply (more than enough)

I borrowed these words that I may better emphasize my thought.

                                                         DRINKING FROM MY SAUCER

I’ve never made a fortune and it’s probably too late now, but I don’t worry about that much, cause I’m happy anyhow. As I go along life’s journey, I’m reaping better than I sowed. I’m drinking from my saucer cause my cup has overflowed.

I don’t have a lot of riches and sometimes the going gets tough. But I’ve got a God that loves me, so I think I’m rich enough. I just thank God for the blessings that His mercy has bestowed. I’m drinking from my saucer cause my cup has overflowed.

If He gives me strength and courage when the way grows steep and rough, I won’t ask for other blessings, I’m already blessed enough. May I never be too busy to help another bear his load; then I’ll be drinking from my saucer cause my cup has overflowed.


There should be an overflowing! God is not stingy, nor is He short on resources. There is an abundance for you and anyone else. God out of His love will freely give us all things. I am come that ye might have life and have it more abundantly! The scripture also declares…Unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

Why be content with just being full…. Pray that you will be filled to overflowing ,because that is when you influence and minister to others.

Psalm 100:2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with SINGING. Vs.3 Know ye that the Lord He is God:

it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.

Have you ever stopped to consider how terrible this world would be if there were no music, or singing?

What would it be like if there were no melody or harmony? How would it feel not to be able to express

your feelings of sadness or happiness through the melody of music.

Singing and songs are such an important part of our lives. We sing songs about everything.

Love and hate, peace and war, time and eternity, friends and family, right and wrong, loyalty and betrayal, hurt and humor.

All have been expressed through a song. Singing is what adds color to life. It brightens and fills every portion of our lives.

Without singing and songs, this would be a dreary, colorless world.

I Kings 4:32 Solomon spake 3,000 proverbs, and his SONGS were a 1,005, but the book called the SONG OF SOLOMON

is called his superlative song, (surpassing all others, very high quality) This SONG of SONGS was a love song.

It speaks of a great love story about Jesus Christ and His Bride (his church).

This SONG says it so well: Oh what a love that He gave me, oh what peace in my soul, oh what joy that

He gave me hearing, me each time that I pray.

Giving His life to redeem me, holding my hand day by day, giving me hope for tomorrow, hearing me each time I that I pray.

So today, find your SONG and come before the presence of the Lord in adoration and praise.

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  • Glenn Edward Brumfield

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    The funeral service for Helen Louise Rushing will be at 11 a.m., Friday, February 28, at Riverwood Family. Visitation is

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    A celebration of life for Paul Wilson Baham, Jr. will be held 10 a.m., Wednesday, February 26, at Riverwood Family

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    A celebration of life will be held for Virginia Sellers Sparks 11 a.m., Thursday, February 27, at Riverwood Family with

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  • Donna Nell Thornton

    Donna Nell Thornton

    A celebration of life will be held for Donna Nell Thornton 10 a.m., Friday, March 14, at First Baptist Church

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  • Rev. James Roy Killingsworth

    Rev. James Roy Killingsworth

    A celebration of life will be held for Reverend James Roy Killingsworth 11 a.m., Thursday, March 13, at Divide Methodist

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  • William Edward Phillips

    William Edward Phillips

    William Edward Phillips, 64, of Brookhaven, MS, passed away peacefully on March 8th, 2025, surrounded by his family. A beloved

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  • Pamela Jean Kimmons

    Pamela Jean Kimmons

    A Celebration of Life for Mrs. Pamela Jean Kimmons will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 11:00 am,

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  • Nellie

    Nellie "Nita" Herrington

    A celebration of life will be held for Nellie “Nita” Herrington, 11 a.m., Tuesday, March 11, at Topisaw Baptist Church

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  • Flint Wayne McCullough

    Flint Wayne McCullough

    A celebration of life for Flint Wayne McCullough will be 11 a.m., Saturday, March 8, at Shady Grove Baptist Church

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  • Amanda Gayle Smith

    Amanda Gayle Smith

    The funeral service for Amanda Gayle Smith will be 2:30 p.m., Friday, March 7, 2025, at Riverwood Family with burial

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  • Lisa Joyce Thornton Kepper

    Lisa Joyce Thornton Kepper

    A celebration of life will be held for Lisa Joyce Thornton Kepper, at 11 a.m., Friday, March 7, at Riverwood

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  • Glenn Edward Brumfield

    Glenn Edward Brumfield

    Memorial Service: 11:00 am, Saturday, March 8, Union Hall Baptist Church, with visitation from 9:00 am until the time of

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  • Donald David Parker

    Donald David Parker

    The family of Donald David Parker invite you to join them to celebrate a life well lived, 10 a.m. Thursday,

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  • Holly Lynn Russell Franklin

    Holly Lynn Russell Franklin

    Holly Lynn Russell Franklin, 54, of Wesson, Mississippi, passed away on February 23, 2025, at Ochsner Medical Center in New

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  • Linda Gail Russell Allen

    Linda Gail Russell Allen

    The funeral service for Linda Gail Russell Allen will be 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at Riverwood Family with

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  • Welton Dewitt Cothern

    Welton Dewitt Cothern

    The funeral service for Welton Dewitt Cothern will be at 1:00 p.m., Monday, March 3, 2025, at Riverwood Family with

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  • Daniel Spear

    Daniel Spear

    Today we celebrate the life of a remarkable man who touched the hearts of many. He was a devoted husband,

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  • Geraldine Freeman Byrd

    Geraldine Freeman Byrd

    The funeral service for Geraldine Freeman Byrd will be 2:30 p.m., Saturday, March 1, at Riverwood Family, with burial in

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  • Bobby Ray Martin

    Bobby Ray Martin

    A celebration of life will be held for Bobby Ray Martin Noon, Wednesday, February 26, at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church

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  • Winifred Allen Hamilton

    Winifred Allen Hamilton

    A celebration of life will be held for Winifred Allen Hamilton 11:30 a.m., Thursday, February 27, at Bethel Temple Pentecostal

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  • Helen Louise Rushing

    Helen Louise Rushing

    The funeral service for Helen Louise Rushing will be at 11 a.m., Friday, February 28, at Riverwood Family. Visitation is

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  • Paul Wilson Baham, Jr.

    Paul Wilson Baham, Jr.

    A celebration of life for Paul Wilson Baham, Jr. will be held 10 a.m., Wednesday, February 26, at Riverwood Family

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  • Virginia Sellers Sparks

    Virginia Sellers Sparks

    A celebration of life will be held for Virginia Sellers Sparks 11 a.m., Thursday, February 27, at Riverwood Family with

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