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Mra Deb I know your r heart is breaking into pieces and wondering what the life let Hm w/0 your side. But God already knew would have to that horse to hang on during the darkest day of days. Let Stetson step up and hop your hand in the many many riff dada’s that shads come For Mr Lynn was getting tired but did want to leave while under all this was made to perfection after the shock your Mr Lynons angel went over to Stetson only to whisper the bind would be be hi calls us all home I’m that field not so far away but needs more qrowth. -stories around the fireplaces just to in sure he walked the line for his Faimiy. Just like the new hands of stepson will be show how to walk the line just like his paw before in .
Our deepest condolences about Lynn,
Debra. Ashley.Austin, and many many family and frinds