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It's been 4 years since she left us its been so hard without her it feels like my world is falling apart. I miss her horribly i wake up sometimes and hope that i will see her beside me or in the kitchen but i don't, sometimes i call her name but get no answer and all i can do is cry and pray that you would come back to me but i know you can't. I love you Maw Maw you will forever be missed and never forgotten you were one of the strongest people I've ever known you were brave and smart and funny you were always there for me when i knew i had nobody and Deddy is a mess he misses you like hell and so does Paw Paw he doesn't know what to do with himself since you left but i will tell you that he is taking care of me like you asked him to. You knew you were gonna die and i knew you were too i just wish it hadn't been so fast... But mal had a kid his name is Noah and he is the sweetest but anyways ill stop now i miss you and i love you.
Sincerely, Your Granddaughter Celestial Hall