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The Bible

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                       THE BIBLE.. THE LEAST READ BEST SELLER


I am sure there would be a variety of answers if asked what is the Bible, or what does the Bible mean? Please notice with me….



Written on two separate continents by 40 different men over a time span of 1600 years.

The  Bible without divine inspiration would be nothing more than a conglomerate of literary confusion.

However, ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD….and regardless of the immense

differences existing among it’s writers, it contains no contradictions or confusing errors. Consider the diversity of this authorship;

there was Moses learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, there was Joshua the captain of his people. Job the patriarch,

David the shepherd, Solomon the wise King of Israel, Isaiah the prophet, Daniel the prime minister of Babylon,

Amos the fig tendering herdsman. Matthew the tax collector, Luke the physician, Peter the fisherman,

Paul the great apostle….Only the Spirit of God could have produced a work with such perfection, unity and accuracy!














The Bible is so many things…it is a blueprint to the builder,

a road map to the traveler. A light, a lamp, a map mirror and compass.

It is the mind of God, the will of God. Last but not least….t

he Bible is our inspiration and revelation, that leads us to SALVATION!


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