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God Is What He Is

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Bro. Larry Fletcher

God is what He is! He is what He has always been. He is the One who is. He never changes.

He is also an uncaused God. Though He creates, God was never created. Though He makes, He was never made.

Though He causes, He was never caused. From everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God. God doesn’t check the weather, He makes it.

He doesn’t defy gravity, He created it. He has no limitations. He is uncaused, unchanging, and ungoverned!

These are only a fraction of God’s qualities.

When I fall, He lifts me up! When I fail He forgives! When I am weak, He is strong! When I am afraid, He is my courage!

When I stumble, He steadies me! When I’m hurt, He heals me! When I’m broken, He mends me! When I’m blind, He leads me!

When I’m hungry, He feeds me! When I face trials, He is with me! When I face persecution, He shields me! When I face loss,

He provides for me! He is God, He is faithful, I am His, and He is mine!

So remember, there is no burden beyond His strength; no boundaries to His love; no limit to His mercies;

no problem outside His solution; and no need beyond His care.

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