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Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to HIS PURPOSE.

God never acts without purpose…Never. People act without purpose, a great deal that is done in the modern so called church is PURPOSELESS.

But God never acts without a purpose. God has intellect and this means that God thinks; and God never acts without an intelligent purpose.

After this magnificent created world was finished, God saw that the world wasn’t yet complete. He made man, His masterpiece! He being the great potter that

He is scooped up a useless mound of clay and worked on this clay until it became a man, an invaluable species called a human.

A human who had the unique honor to bear the stamp, in HIS IMAGE! Of all the creation that God is responsible for,

only you can it be said, MADE IN HIS IMAGE!

   God being the God He was and is, and being infinitely glorious and infinitely beautiful and infinitely admirable, desired to have some creature

that was capable of adoring Him, loving Him and knowing Him. So God made man in HIS OWN IMAGE, The ultimate desire and plan of God was

and is and forever will be to take up residence within His created masterpiece CALLED MAN. When God breathed into the nostrils of man he became a living soul.

There is life found in the breath of God, the breath of God is always referenced in scripture as the Spirit of God. John 20:22  

He breathed on them and saith…Receive ye the Holy Ghost. He wants to abide, reside and preside within each of us.

Just know if you are made in in His image and He resides within you, and things happen to you or you are called upon to go through difficult situations of life.

There is a Purpose, there is a meaning and a message working on your behalf. What you are experiencing is not PURPOSELESS, His Purpose is working together for good on your behalf.



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