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II Corinthians 12:7

Before God will trust you, He will test you. Not all trying times and tough times come from the devil (your adversary) .

Your God will allow pain, problems, suffering and struggle, that He may toughen you, tender you and teach you.

Note in Deuteronomy 8:2… God led His people forty years in the wilderness….. to humble them and to prove them;

to know what was in their heart.

Consider with me one of the facts about a real pearl is that it is a product of a living organism,

which is not true of any other precious stone….whether sapphires, diamonds, rubies or emeralds.

The pearl is produced as the result of an injury suffered by a living organism, such as an oyster.

The occasion of the pearls’ production is the presence of some irritating substance such as a grain of sand.

Out of much suffering an object of beauty is produced. I wish to emphasize this awesome thought…

the pearl comes from a CONQUERED IRRITANT!

The pearl never assumes very large dimensions,, but its value may be almost priceless.

This teaches us that size isn’t everything. The pearl is formed slowly and gradually,

the formation of the pearl is a secretive one…none but the eye of God watches

the oyster transforming an intrusion into a pearl of beauty and great worth.

Despair not, as you perhaps suffer an injury like the oyster, you may find what you are experiencing

is very irritating, could this be God causing a grain of sand to produce a beautiful pearl in your life?

Be encouraged, God is not finished with you yet.

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