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The Path, The Presence and the Pleasure

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Psalm 16:11   Thou wilt shew me the PATH of life: in thy PRESENCE is fulness of joy,

at thy right hand there are PLEASURES forevermore.

God’s way for us is often called a PATH in the scriptures. It is called the path of life (Psalm 16:11),

a plain Path (Psalm 27:11) the PATH of His commandments (Psalm 119:35, an old Path (Jeremiah 6:16.

He has told us that, if we acknowledge Him, He will direct our PATHS. (Proverbs 3:6 (Proverbs 3:17).

And it is said of wisdom that “Her ways are ways of PLEASANTNESS and all her PATHS are peace.

   Note with me…There is something different about a PATH. It’s not a modern highway, noisy and crowed;

not even a dirt road but a PATH, inviting your tired spirit to come apart and rest awhile.

That PATH means to escape, to stroll by still waters and green pastures to hear the birds singing from overhanging branches.

Both realism and romance are there. Let us return to our scripture text of which we have already mentioned.

Psalm 16:11…here we have first the PATH. The PATH of life. It is a plain PATH, it is the old PATH tried and true.

The second truth of our text… In thy PRESENCE there is fulness of joy.

We have not only the PATH but we have the PRESENCE. The PATH is before us, the PRESENCE IS WITH US, (I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee,

Lo, I am with you always.) It would not be enough to have a PATH if we had not a companion and a guide, He is both.

Moreover; in His PRESENCE there is fulness of joy. That makes it a PLEASANT PATH.

Never forget…along the PATH with the PRESENCE we have PLEASURES.

These three are wonderfully interwoven and you cannot separate them.

I admonish you to walk this PATH, enjoy His PRESENCE, and know the PLEASURES of His companionship.

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