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                                                IT’S A SEASON

                                              DON’T WASTE IT

Somehow the word ‘SEASON’ sometimes seems to us that it is a world without end!

But, it doesn’t snow all year, neither does it rain all year.


Farmers don’t plow all year long, farmers don’t plant all year long, farmers don’t harvest all year long.

Farmers understand that ‘different’ things happen in different Seasons.

We commonly hear and use phrases like: Spring season, Summer season, Fall season and Winter season.

We live by them. We dress accordingly. We adapt to them. We understand that this Season will soon change.

It’s just a Season. We may wish that Summer would last longer, or that Spring season would never end.

But all Seasons come to an end.


Seasons come and Seasons go. Seasons are even shown in animals. Horses, dogs, and cows,

to name a few, grow a ‘Winter’ coat. They adapt for the Season.  Isn’t it strange that we humans struggle with adaptation?

Caterpillars look lowly and without beauty or distinction, but don’t let that fool you. It’s just a Season.

Soon that Season of their life will pass and they will become a Beautiful Butterfly that turns every child’s head and causes them to marvel.


We understand that the Seasons of our Natural Environment that are controlled by the moon. Psalm 104:19

He appointed the moon for Seasons.  We must have an understanding also, that the Seasons in our Spiritual Life are controlled by the SON.

May it bring comfort to those in pain, (not just physical pain) but pain that comes from a crushed spirit or broken heart,

may you understand that this Season is not permanent, only temporary.  This may be a Hurting Season for you,

but allow me to share with you one of my most favorite scriptures Psalm 30:5 in part it says…


This weeping season will pass, and you will be compensated with Joy.

It is said of the Apostle Paul…2 Timothy 4:17 Notwithstanding the Lord Stood With Me, and Strengthened Me; 

2 Timothy 4: 18 And the Lord Shall Deliver Me from every evil work, and WILL PRESERVE ME unto His heavenly kingdom…


Don’t fail to make the best of your season!


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