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Genesis 1:1
A lot of people are convinced that there is no God, and that this world we are living in just happened. These people have been led to believe an error. If you were to stop, and study this world, you would agree. It is a well- planned and designed world made by an intelligent and benevolent God that loves us.
Let’s take the eye as an example of planning, designing, and constructing. The eye is just flesh, tissue. Yet, light enters the eye through a lens made of tissue, and strikes the optic nerve. The optic nerve is excited by the light, and sends a message to your brain. The brain interprets the signals from the optic nerve, and an image appears inside your head! You can see the flower, its shape, and its color! You can see different shades of color in the same petal of the flower. You would be able to see a dewdrop on the petal of the flower, as well as the bee buzzing about the flower! All of that information came into your mind through an organ made of tissue that was able to change light into 3-D shapes and textures!
I have always enjoyed looking at the moon. Imagine my surprise when I learned that I had only always seen one side of the moon! Our entire lifetime on the earth we will only view the same side of the moon because it is in a synchronized orbit with earth. The earth spins on its axis once in a day, and the moon spins on its axis as it orbits about the earth. As the earth spins, and the moon spins, and as the moons orbits the earth, the same side of the moon is always facing the earth! We didn’t know what the opposite side of the moon looked like until a space craft orbited the moon, and made pictures of it!
I heard Dr. W. A. Criswell tell this light-hearted story on the radio many years ago. He said that Toad Frog, Green Lizard, and Fire Ant met up in the piney woods. As they talked, the ground began to shake beneath their feet. Only then had they noticed the railroad tracks near them! They looked down the rail, and a powerful locomotive came bellowing around the bend. It passed them so quickly that the wind from the train sent them tumbling along the rails!
After the train had passed, Toad Frog stood up, and said, “You know, some believe that somebody made that locomotive. Yes, yes, some believe that locomotive was made, but I don’t believe that! I believe it made itself.”
Then Green Lizard said, “And some believe that someone is driving that locomotive! Yes, yes, some believe that someone is in control of it! But not me. It just goes when and where it wants to go. That’s what I think!”
And Fire Ant said, “Well, some think that someone owns that locomotive! Not me! If someone owns that train, I invite them to prove it! Let them just stomp me right now!”
When nothing happened to Fire Ant, they all three decided that what they thought was true was indeed the truth! But you and I know that they were wrong!
(Willie T. Welch, Pastor New Prospect Baptist Church, 691 Hwy 84 W Brookhaven, 601-754-8717)

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