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We live in a trouble-filled world. We all have them, that is; troubles. They come in all shapes and sizes. Troubles seem, at times, to come from all directions, sometimes even from family members. Dr. Lamoynde Sharpe, in his commentary on the book of Psalm, said of troubles, “Troubles and sorrows seem to come in bunches and often multiple quickly.”
Like so many of us, the Psalmist David was well acquainted with troubles and often sorrow. In Psalm 3:1, David said, “Lord, how are they increased that trouble me? Many are they that raise up against me.” Speaking of troubles; that was written in reference to his own son, Absalom. Yes, all of us will have our share of troubles.
The question is, “How do we handle our troubles?”
Run from them? But, they always catch up with us.
Try and ignore them? But, then as Dr. Phil would say, “How is that working for you?”
Some people try to cover their trouble by turning to “’The devil’s camouflage: drugs, alcohol, pills, or other distractions.
The Lord God of Heaven and earth is the one and only remedy from troubles of life. The sure Word of God gives great assurance to all who will turn to Him. The Psalmist tells is in Psalm 9:9-10, “The Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in time of troubles. And they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee: for Thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee.”
Again, the Psalmist reminds all of us who are troubled, to turn to the Lord in Psalm 46:1 by these words: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
So, turn to Him dear friend. He is our Present Help, through His Son Jesus Christ, Who died for us and to save us. Trust Him today!
HE will keep us safe and bring us through the troubles.

Bro. David Moree

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