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Jesus says in John 12:32 32 “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself."
We know this was a statement made by the Lord Jesus speaking of His impending death on the cross. Which would make possible the drawing of all men to Himself. For man found himself in a horrific position of being separated from God because of sin. In Jesus being lifted up on the cross in death for the sins of the world He became the bridge for man to be no longer separated from God but to be restored back to a place of eternal relationship for all who would accept Him into their lives as Lord and Savior. “If I am Lifted Up”
I believe that to be the setting of this verse, but I believe this statement has a far reaching meaning to all who have a personal relationship with Him. Found in this verse is a profound deep meaning of Lifting Jesus Up by all who know Him personally. When we as believers lift up Jesus to a lost, dying, and sin sick world they are drawn to Him. So they can be forgiven, and restored back to the God the Father. So how do you and I lift up Jesus?
#1. In Word- in the study of the word of God, how can we live for or tell others about this Jesus who saves lost sinners from the penalty, the power and the presence of sin, if we ourselves are not in the word of God. We must lift up Jesus in our personal lives so we can help others lift Him up in their lives.
#2. In Worship- When we attend a worship service what is our purpose for gathering together. So make it a social time, some make it a time to sooth their conscious, some come because they have been coming for years and it is just what they do. But listen when we come to a place to worship, wherever that may be our purpose is to lift up Jesus.
#3. In Witness- When we have been in the word and we have worshiped then we are ready to lift up Jesus in witness- we are to tell the world that Jesus Christ is the answer to all of eternity. Most people think the only person who has to witness to the world are those who are in ministry. We have been given the commission and the power to tell the world that Jesus saves. (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)
Question: Are you lifting Jesus Up?
Hal Hatten
Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church

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